Craps Strategies

Become Versed in Craps – Hints and Techniques: Don’t Toss in the Towel

by Aden on May.10, 2022, under Craps

Be clever, wager cunning, and become versed in how to enjoy craps the proper way!

During your craps-gambling life, you’ll likely have more non-winning times than successful times. Just accept this fact. You need to learn to play in the real world, not fantasy land. Craps is designed for the gambler to lose.

Say, following 2 hours, the dice have brought down your chips leaving only $20. You haven’t observed a hot toss in aeon. Although not winning is as much a part of the game as profiting, you cannot help but feel cursed. You wonder why you ever bothered coming to Las Vegas in the 1st place. You were a rock for a few hours, but it didn’t work. You want to profit so much that you lose discipline of your comprehension. You are at your last $20 for the session and you have no backbone remaining. Leave with your $20!

You must never give up, don’t ever surrender, never think, "This is awful, I’m going to put the remainder on the Hard 4 and, if I don’t win, then I will leave. Although if I profit, I will be right back where I started." That’s the most brainless action you could try at the end of a non-winning night.

If you insist on giving your money to someone, please gift it to your preferred charity. Don’t give it to the gambling hall. Every so often, you will succeed on a single one of those idiotic bets, but do not imagine you’ll profit sufficiently over time to conquer your losses.

Now you are aware! Recall, become versed in how to gamble on craps the ideal way.

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